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Any category




Letter of motivation



Real estate

Generic termination >

You have taken out a subscription or membership and wish to cancel it.

Cancellation of an insurance contract before tacit renewal >

You want to change your insurance policy before it renews automatically. You need to start the process of cancelling your contract.

Telephone cancellation >

You have taken out a telephone subscription and you wish to terminate the contract with your mobile package.

Lease cancellation >

You have signed a rental contract and you wish to leave your accommodation. This letter, to be sent to your landlord, must respect the notice period imposed by law.

Cancellation of electricity >

Are you moving or do you want to change your electricity supplier? You must cancel your electricity contract by sending this letter to your supplier's customer service.

Insurance cancellation letter >

You want to change your insurance policy before it renews automatically. You need to start the process of cancelling your contract.

Internet termination >

You have subscribed to an Internet subscription and you wish to cancel it.

Cancellation of a water supply contract due to a move >

You are moving. You must notify your water supplier to cancel your contract.

Cancellation of a channel subscription >

You have taken out a subscription with Canal + to access their channels. You wish to cancel your subscription.

Cancellation of a magazine subscription >

You have taken out a subscription to receive a magazine and it is about to expire, you do not wish to renew it.

Cancellation of home insurance due to dissatisfaction >

You have taken out a home insurance policy but you are not satisfied with the services provided by your insurer. You would like to cancel your contract and go to the competition.

Request for a birth certificate >

You wish to apply for a birth certificate to legally prove the civil status of a person.

Request for a criminal record extract >

To indicate whether you have been convicted or not, you must have a criminal record extract. To do this, you must apply to the national criminal record.

Application for a disability card >

Your disability is recognized and you wish to obtain a disability card. To do so, you must apply for it.

Application for housing allowance >

You wish to obtain the housing allowance file. To do so, you must apply to the National Family Allowance Fund.

Request for a marriage certificate without filiation >

You wish to obtain the marriage certificate without the parents of the person. To do so, you must apply to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Request for an adjustment of the amount of my tax >

You have noticed an error in the deduction of your taxes and therefore request a correction.

Contesting a post-parking fee due to mistaken identity >

You wish to contest the post-parking fee in case of mistaken identity.

Challenging a post-parking fee >

You wish to contest the post-parking fee and must therefore send a registered letter.

Debt Release Letter >

You have taken out a loan from someone and you want to obtain a discharge of debt. This letter allows you to prove that your repayment has been 100% completed.

Declaration of loss >

You are victim of a disaster (vehicle, house, fire, theft, water damage, etc.). You ask your insurance company to come and do the repairs.

Declaration of damage to property >

You are the victim of a disaster in your home. You ask your insurance company to come and do the repairs.

Declaration of civil liability claim >

You have caused damage to others and you want to claim on your liability insurance to repair your harm.

Vehicle damage report >

You are the victim of a car accident. You ask your insurance company to come and do the repairs.

Declaration of claim for damages >

You are building or have built your house and you notice that cracks or other damage have appeared. You ask your insurance company to come and make the repairs.

Challenge to the interpretation of the insurance clause >

You have suffered a loss and your insurer objects to a clause in your contract. Your interpretation of this clause is different and you let your insurer know.

Claim for compensation following a power failure >

You have suffered a power failure due to a malfunction in the electricity distribution network resulting in the loss of some of your electrical appliances. You decide to seek compensation.

Letter of motivation >

You are applying for a company, a school, a university or even for a summer job and need to send a cover letter.

Cover letter in English >

You want to complete your CV with a cover letter in English before applying for a job.

Cover letter for an internship >

You want to complete your CV with a cover letter to find your long or short term internship.

Cover letter for a master >

You wish to apply for a master's degree and complete the application form with a letter of motivation.

Cover letter for a university >

You wish to apply to a university and complete the application form with a letter of motivation.

Letter to your bank requesting an overdraft authorization >

You have trouble making ends meet and you are regularly in the red. You ask your bank to grant you an overdraft authorization.

Request an appointment for a real estate or personal loan >

You are considering taking out a home loan or a personal loan. You request an appointment with a credit organization.

Letter of prepayment of a real estate loan >

You have taken out a real estate loan and following an inflow of money you wish to repay your loan early. You inform your credit organization.

Request an appointment for banking investments >

You want to invest your money and you need information. You ask for an appointment at your bank.

Letter of withdrawal following a loan offer >

You have received a loan offer from a credit organization that you had applied for. After thinking about it, you have changed your mind. You must notify the organization.

Request for change of collection date >

You wish to change the date of one or more direct debits from your bank to your account because it falls on a date that is not convenient for you.

Letter to your bank following a double debit >

You have received your account statement and you notice that a debit has been double charged. You write to your bank to dispute it.

Dispute of a payment by credit card following the loss of the card >

You have lost your bank card and you realize that a payment has been made. You decide to write to your bank to dispute the payment.

Dispute of a payment by credit card following the theft of the card >

Your credit card has been stolen and you realize that a payment has been made. You decide to write to your bank to dispute the payment.

Letter of withdrawal from a checkbook >

You received a check and unfortunately you lost it. You must therefore write a letter of withdrawal to the issuer to obtain a new one.

Letter of referral to the Banking Ombudsman >

You have a dispute with your bank and you can't resolve it yourself. You decide to call on the bank mediator.

Letter of withdrawal from a checkbook >

You received a check and unfortunately you lost it. You must therefore write a letter of withdrawal to the issuer to obtain a new one.

Bank account closure letter >

You wish to close your bank account without any justification.

Letter of cancellation of an appointment at the bank >

You had scheduled an appointment with your advisor but you will not be able to keep it. You send a letter of cancellation to your bank.

Request for leave >

If you wish to take your leave, you must send a letter to your employer or to the HR department.

Letter of resignation >

You decide to leave your company and you wish to inform your superiors by sending a letter of resignation.

Notice of departure >

You are a tenant and you want to leave the apartment. To do so, you will have to notify the landlord or the agency with a notice of departure letter.

Resignation letter from an employee >

You have decided to leave your company. You must therefore formulate your resignation in a clear and unequivocal manner by registered letter.

Letter of recommendation >

You are looking for a job and you want to support your resume and cover letter with a letter of recommendation.

Letter of dismissal >

You are an employer and you wish to terminate your employee (including a domestic worker or a nanny) for a particular reason. This letter allows you to terminate a person for any reason.

Request for transfer >

In the professional context, you wish to be transferred. You must therefore make the request by sending a letter to your employer or the administration.

Thank you letter to your internship supervisor >

You have done an internship in a company and you want to thank your internship supervisor because he or she took good care of you.

Letter of refusal of a job by a job seeker >

You can no longer accept a position that is offered to you because you have found another job or have started training. You must notify the company.

Certificate of accommodation >

You are hosting a person in your home and he or she needs a certificate of accommodation from you to claim his or her rights.

Moving letter >

You change your address and decide to notify certain people.

Request for a rent receipt >

You are a tenant and you want proof that you have paid the rent and utilities in full. You must therefore make the request to your landlord or your agency.

Request for authorization of work to your landlord >

You want to start your work as soon as possible. To do so, you must send a letter requesting authorization for the work to your landlord.

Inform the syndic of a water leak in a building >

You are a tenant or owner in a building and you notice a water leak coming from the upper floors and damaging your walls, wall coverings, etc. You must declare this loss to the Syndic.

Letter requesting your tenant to cease his nuisance >

You are the owner of an apartment and your tenant is causing problems with the neighbors. You write to him so that he changes his behavior.

Welcome letter to a new neighbor >

Your neighborhood has a new resident. You would like to welcome him/her by sending a letter.

Change of leaseholder following the death of a person >

Your spouse has died and the lease for your apartment was in his or her name. You must therefore ask the landlord to change the lease.

Letter to your tenant informing him/her of a change of landlord >

You are the owner of a dwelling and you have sold your dwelling with your tenant in place. You must notify the tenant without delay.

Notice of default for unpaid rent >

You are a landlord and you wish to send a formal notice for unpaid rent to your tenant(s).

Formal notice to a craftsman to start work >

You have planned to do some work and had contacted a craftsman who had agreed on a date. He did not show up on the scheduled date without giving any explanations.

Power of attorney for a property purchase >

You have to sign a compromise of sale or the final act and you cannot be present. You give power of attorney to one of your acquaintances so that he/she can take these steps in your place.

Generic termination >

You have taken out a subscription or membership and wish to cancel it.

Cancellation of an insurance contract before tacit renewal >

You want to change your insurance policy before it renews automatically. You need to start the process of cancelling your contract.

Telephone cancellation >

You have taken out a telephone subscription and you wish to terminate the contract with your mobile package.

Lease cancellation >

You have signed a rental contract and you wish to leave your accommodation. This letter, to be sent to your landlord, must respect the notice period imposed by law.

Cancellation of electricity >

Are you moving or do you want to change your electricity supplier? You must cancel your electricity contract by sending this letter to your supplier's customer service.

Insurance cancellation letter >

You want to change your insurance policy before it renews automatically. You need to start the process of cancelling your contract.

Internet termination >

You have subscribed to an Internet subscription and you wish to cancel it.

Cancellation of a water supply contract due to a move >

You are moving. You must notify your water supplier to cancel your contract.

Cancellation of a channel subscription >

You have taken out a subscription with Canal + to access their channels. You wish to cancel your subscription.

Cancellation of a magazine subscription >

You have taken out a subscription to receive a magazine and it is about to expire, you do not wish to renew it.

Cancellation of home insurance due to dissatisfaction >

You have taken out a home insurance policy but you are not satisfied with the services provided by your insurer. You would like to cancel your contract and go to the competition.

Letter to your bank requesting an overdraft authorization >

You have trouble making ends meet and you are regularly in the red. You ask your bank to grant you an overdraft authorization.

Request an appointment for a real estate or personal loan >

You are considering taking out a home loan or a personal loan. You request an appointment with a credit organization.

Letter of prepayment of a real estate loan >

You have taken out a real estate loan and following an inflow of money you wish to repay your loan early. You inform your credit organization.

Request an appointment for banking investments >

You want to invest your money and you need information. You ask for an appointment at your bank.

Letter of withdrawal following a loan offer >

You have received a loan offer from a credit organization that you had applied for. After thinking about it, you have changed your mind. You must notify the organization.

Request for change of collection date >

You wish to change the date of one or more direct debits from your bank to your account because it falls on a date that is not convenient for you.

Letter to your bank following a double debit >

You have received your account statement and you notice that a debit has been double charged. You write to your bank to dispute it.

Dispute of a payment by credit card following the loss of the card >

You have lost your bank card and you realize that a payment has been made. You decide to write to your bank to dispute the payment.

Dispute of a payment by credit card following the theft of the card >

Your credit card has been stolen and you realize that a payment has been made. You decide to write to your bank to dispute the payment.

Letter of withdrawal from a checkbook >

You received a check and unfortunately you lost it. You must therefore write a letter of withdrawal to the issuer to obtain a new one.

Letter of referral to the Banking Ombudsman >

You have a dispute with your bank and you can't resolve it yourself. You decide to call on the bank mediator.

Letter of withdrawal from a checkbook >

You received a check and unfortunately you lost it. You must therefore write a letter of withdrawal to the issuer to obtain a new one.

Bank account closure letter >

You wish to close your bank account without any justification.

Letter of cancellation of an appointment at the bank >

You had scheduled an appointment with your advisor but you will not be able to keep it. You send a letter of cancellation to your bank.

Certificate of accommodation >

You are hosting a person in your home and he or she needs a certificate of accommodation from you to claim his or her rights.

Moving letter >

You change your address and decide to notify certain people.

Request for a rent receipt >

You are a tenant and you want proof that you have paid the rent and utilities in full. You must therefore make the request to your landlord or your agency.

Request for authorization of work to your landlord >

You want to start your work as soon as possible. To do so, you must send a letter requesting authorization for the work to your landlord.

Inform the syndic of a water leak in a building >

You are a tenant or owner in a building and you notice a water leak coming from the upper floors and damaging your walls, wall coverings, etc. You must declare this loss to the Syndic.

Letter requesting your tenant to cease his nuisance >

You are the owner of an apartment and your tenant is causing problems with the neighbors. You write to him so that he changes his behavior.

Welcome letter to a new neighbor >

Your neighborhood has a new resident. You would like to welcome him/her by sending a letter.

Change of leaseholder following the death of a person >

Your spouse has died and the lease for your apartment was in his or her name. You must therefore ask the landlord to change the lease.

Letter to your tenant informing him/her of a change of landlord >

You are the owner of a dwelling and you have sold your dwelling with your tenant in place. You must notify the tenant without delay.

Notice of default for unpaid rent >

You are a landlord and you wish to send a formal notice for unpaid rent to your tenant(s).

Formal notice to a craftsman to start work >

You have planned to do some work and had contacted a craftsman who had agreed on a date. He did not show up on the scheduled date without giving any explanations.

Power of attorney for a property purchase >

You have to sign a compromise of sale or the final act and you cannot be present. You give power of attorney to one of your acquaintances so that he/she can take these steps in your place.

All our letter templates are provided for informative purposes and have no legal value as is. Our templates require modifications on your part in order to complete them, and we invite you to carefully verify the information provided and seek professional help if needed. The information contained in these letter templates may not necessarily be up to date with the regulations and standards in effect at the time of completion. We disclaim all liability regarding the use of these letter templates.

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